Monday, July 4, 2011

Tim McGraw.. Ever heard of him?

Karlie and I had been wanting to go to Tim McGraw's concert since we heard about it.. I tried to call into radio stations to win tickets, but time went on and we still had no luck and no tickets. I was on my way to work the day of the concert and heard how if you wore a KNIX (local country station) tshirt and found the KNIX crew that you may just win front row tickets or meet and greets! I thought about how insanely awesome that would be and then remembered how I have never won anything in my life so of course that would never happen to me. Karlie called me at work that day and we agreed it was worth a shot. Even if we just buy cheap tickets that are a mile away from the stage it would still be fun, right? So we buy the tickets, I rush from work to the store to buy our shirts and we were on our way..

Of course we had the worst traffic ever and knew there was no way we could make it to the KNIX crew in time. We finally got there though about a bajillion hours later and sprinted around trying to find them. We run up and for sure thought they already gave the tickets away.. I hurredly put our names in a drawing while Karlie was chosen to compete in a game to win.. who knew what!? She had to go in this big blow up thing while fake money was flying around and catch the most she could. Well the first girl went and got 7.. Karlie was next and got 12. However, there was a guy after her so we for sure thought he would win, right!? Nope Karlie won! We're freaking out not even knowing what she was competing for.. "You just won 2 tickets for in the pit!" We FREAKED out! She says thank you a million times and runs down to me where me and her scream and jump up and down a million times. In the middle of all that I hear someone say "Summer Allen".. I look around all confused as I hear someone say " You just won 2 front row seats" I run up there like a crazy person said thank you a million more times and jump off the stage. Me and Karlie just started running and screaming.. I'm pretty sure people thought me and Karlie were drunk.. or just BIG spazs.

So we run up to the stage and with our hearts still racing a million miles an hour.. The Band Perry was first- AWESOME! Next, Luke Bryan- AWESOME AND HOTT. And finally, Tim McGraw- AWESOME, HOTT, SEXY, SUPER TALENTED.. Oh I could go on for a while.. I got to hold his hand once, briefly touch hands again, and touch his awesome reptile boots!
5 words to sum up the whole expierence: BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE!

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